Who else is in full back to school mode?!? We have been back to school shopping the past two weeks and have found the cutest girls animal print items from the Walmart fall clothing line this year. Paige saw this entire mix and match outfit box and had to have it. The set includes 8 pieces of clothing perfect for the summer to fall transition. Admittedly, I was happy to buy it for her because it provided endless outfit options at an affordable price point. It also cut out the clothing fight that we often went through in the mornings. Everything matches so I could give her options and she felt like she was getting to wear what she wanted.
Walmart Fall Clothing Line
This leopard skirt is hands down her favorite! The best part is the built in shorts which makes them ideal for PE and recess. This tee is part of a set along with the cutest leopard bomber jacket (shown at the end of the post). Our favorite part is that the tee and skirt can be worn now while the temps are still warm. When the weather cools, the leopard bomber jacket will be perfect.
Lately she has been obsessed with taking our dog Walker to the park. She loves to show him off to all the kids at the park and he loves to chase the squirrels. These two are a match made in heaven. Aren’t they the cutest?
This long sleeve leopard tee and leopard skirt are part of the mix and match box. This pink and leopard hoodie was too cute to pass up. The hood is lined with the same leopard print material as the skirt and the sparkle bell sleeves are precious.
Here is the two piece set that includes the cutest leopard bomber jacket and tee. Isn’t it the cutest!?! As you can see we love shopping for on trend items at Walmart. They offer so many great brands at affordable prices which makes everyone happy.
I swear Walker is smiling in this picture!!! These two are best friends.
What do you think of the new fall clothing line at Walmart? Share in a comment below!
Wishing you and your kiddos a great first few weeks back to school. I hope everyone has their best year yet!
Thank you to Walmart for sponsoring today’s post.
fashionista in training and i LOVE it
She loves leopard just like her mama!