Outfit Details
Howdy Friends!
Well apparently it will be 85 all week here in Texas so….what the heck am I supposed to wear? I mean seriously…85! This isn’t Phoenix. I would love a brisk 65 but then again, I’m a mom, not Mother Nature. This is where dressing gets creative. My mind says winter, my wardrobe says winter but the pit stains from sweating while I take down my Christmas lights say summer. This long tunic was a staple last winter and Nordstrom continues to bring it back because it is just so darn good. What I love about this tunic is that it covers my rear, so I can wear it with my new favorite faux leather leggings as well.
Running around with kids is hard enough and I hate having uncomfortable clothes on that I have to fidget with all the time. Buuuuut I love looking stylish so this is a battle for me sometimes. That’s why my momiform has become this tunic and skinnies with a fun pair of flats. Long tunics are awesome because:
- They hide your butt!
- You can half tuck it, untuck it, front tuck it.
- Add layers- vest, necklace, earrings, jacket etc.
This is so effortless yet stylish! I love it!
Looks great!!!! I needed some advice for this wild warm weather we’re having!